AUGUST 10, 18:00

05.08. - 10.08.
Guest performance - PRETPOLI
On August 10, 21:30, Exupery International School (Jaunā street 8, Pinki)
Choreographers and dancers: Sabine Neilande, Aigars Larionovs, Nauris Miķelis Goba
Music: Andris Jeziks
Producer: Anna Niedola
Is it easy to tell a lie from the truth?
How often do we check the reliability of posts?
The dance performance plays on the influence of the media on people's perception of the world, values and opinions about what is happening in society. Increasingly, the portrayal of these topics in the media space does not match the nuanced reality of life. The modern information space is saturated, it is difficult to navigate in it - there is a wide spread of fake news and conspiracy theories, as well as manipulative interpretation of facts. People often trust everything written on social networks and share this information without checking the origin of the source. In the media room, it is very clearly visible how the same events, information and photo and video materials can be presented completely oppositely, diverting the conversation in a favorable direction.
The dancers of the show will embody three ideological characters who, communicating with each other in a public space, will try to prove their rightness. Performers will throw themselves into a battlefield where opinions and bodies clash sharply. The artists invite the audience to experience the conflict of three ideas in an arena worthy of a debate show, where the impression created by the events is stronger than the content of the information itself.

05.08. - 09.08. pl. 10.30 - 12.00
Introduction and dance impovisation
Teacher: Lilija Lipora
Voice workshop
Teacher: Edgars Lipors
Contemporary dance floor technique
Teacher: Nauris Miķelis Goba
Contact improvisation and improvisation structures
Teachers: Nauris Miķelis Goba, Aigars, Larionovs
Teachers: Sabīne Neilande, Aigars Larionovs
All the workshops will take place at Exupery International School (Jaunā street 8, Pinki)